New year, belly & food

It’s about time to give some news over here!

First off: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Yes, I’ve been told that the new decade will start interestingly for us… and I have no doubt about it! 😉

Sadly, for the ones who are not interested, I realize that I’m becoming single minded about my pregnancy. I’m not even worried anymore about when and where we’ll be moving this year, or whether hubby will end up finding a job in the area until the babies are born.

All I can think of is THE belly, how it’s already showing and I’m only starting on the 4th month. Apparently it will grow even faster than with a singleton pregnancy, which is already spectacular in my opinion. Let me tell you that I don’t forget to put anti-stretch cream every night (even if nothing proves it works…).

I’m also learning a lot of things about my body. I was wondering why were my leg muscles aching when it’s the belly that is suppose to stretch? I’ve realized that, of course, all muscles are connected and in need adjustments.

I’m hungry all the time but it seems that my stomach can’t have much food at once, so I’m having little snacks all day long (a fruit, a cereal bar, a glass of milk, etc…). I’ve had no special cravings so far, except for juicy fruits, which makes me wish every day (that is, more than usual) that we were in Brazil to have plenty of choice. Over here all we get are imported clementines (from Morocco), oranges and grapefruit (from Florida). Half the time not even juicy, nor tasty.

13 comentarios en “New year, belly & food

  1. Bonne année à toi! Une dont tu te souviendras c’est sur!!!

    Le cerveau n’est pas un muscle, mais comme le reste, il s’adapte aussi et je doute que pour les prochains mois, tu n’arrives à penser à autre chose qu’à ces deux bébés 🙂

    Quant a la crème pour les vergetures, chez moi ça a marché du tonnerre, j’en ai à peine une ou deux sous le nombril! Et puis c’est bien de faire un petit massage aux bébés du ‘dehors’ 😉

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